Pre-Warzone Days
Annoying Man
The first of my creation when I started doing Doom Modding since November of 2009. He is a very fast monster that is very hard to hit with the addition of summoning Commander Keens as his shields with his rifle. He makes his debut in Gold Edition as a zombieman with a huge level of annoyance. He was there before Hellish came out so that's why he's here in this category.
What can I say about this guy that hasn't been said already? I hear many stories that this guy is an humanoid shark that can breathe both underwater and on land. This guy when he was average was exposed for being the fake weightlifter that he was. Being angry and dissatisfied 1337man found this kid and gave him supernatural strength and speed in attempts to gain revenge against the guy who ruined him before.
Original Game
Beavis and Butt-Head (Common Versions)
I have already discussed the profiles of these two in the pre-warzone days. These guys can both fire plasma or fire depending on which one you face against. Butt-head fires plasma beams at the player while Beavis shoots fire. They both have an alternative fire that can morph the player into either a pig or a chicken. When you kill either one of them they can drop something useful such and whoopee cushions and ground zero graves to name a couple of good items you can get.
Barnicle Plasma Zombie
These zombies are very different from the normal guys that carry popular weapons such as an SSG, BFG9000, Quad Shotgun, etc. The barnicle plasma zombies are a very special breed of undead humans from Mexico who have invented the awesome weapon known as the Barnicle Plasma Twine. It's not just the country that they were originated from they were also handpicked and given more health and intelligence thanks to the almighty 1337man. This weapon can very easily kill Cyberdemons with them being stunned and taking damage at the same time. They can kill you within seconds if you are not careful. The best strategy to kill them is keep your distance and use your ammo when the timing is right.
Mini Arch-Vile
Smaller weaker versions of their normal size counterparts have less health and the fire attack does less damage than the one used by the real arch-viles. Face them in groups and you will be in big trouble since they can revive themselves and other monsters that are able to be revived.
In the third Doomguy's Warzone and beyond, they can no longer revive themselves.
In the third Doomguy's Warzone and beyond, they can no longer revive themselves.
Street Thug
This guy looks tough and if you're not careful he can kill you in one hit and beat you up badly. My advice is to run away from them as fast as you can because he has a knife and is not afraid to use it as well.
Plasma Dog
These blue dogs aren't called plasma dogs for nothing. They have more health that the regular hell hounds and can shoot plasma balls instead of fire since they do more damage and can kill you more quickly instead of fire. They are alien like dogs created and manufactured by the one and only 1337man.
Cyberdemon Head
How did this thing come into existance is beyond me. I guess hell was trying out some wacky experiments and created a living demon from a dead cyberdemon head. Be warned that it has the same attacks as the original cyberdemon, can float, and skull attack you. That is the story of this strange yet powerful creature created from a successful hell experiment.
Paul Corfiatis
This guy is a author within the Doom Modding community. His whereabouts are unknown, but rumor has it that hell spawn have found him and killed him. Then they revived this guy's head as a monster that fights side along with hell. Paul will never be forgotten in Doom history with recent events that just happened in December 2010. The head version of him is much stronger than the version that you see in the new adventure made by Paul himself. Hell still allows hims to lurk the forums of Doomworld and update people on his future projects.
Super Cacoelemental
Super cacoelementals are regular ones that are greatly enhanced with more health, speed, and the ability summon two baby cacodemons at one time. The cacodemons that can be summoned by that thing are Hissys, Baby Cacodemons, Baby Enhanced Cacodemons, and Watchers.
In the third Doomguy's Warzone and beyond, they can no longer summon Hissys and Watchers.
In the third Doomguy's Warzone and beyond, they can no longer summon Hissys and Watchers.
Baby Cacodemon
Baby cacodemons that existed years ago in one of the very first shuffle wads known as Omgwpns. Makes it's special guest appearance in Doomguy's Warzone with it being the same exact way.
Baby Enhanced Cacodemon
Just like the baby cacodemons they have less health but can do more damage than the original baby cacodemon. Somehow this guy had to be created alongside the baby cacodemons as enhanced versions of themselves.
Mini Cyberdemon
I have once again asked the same questions when it came to this senseless creation. Hell once again succeeds when it comes to miniature monsters and human size cyberdemons. They pose the same threat as the original ones but the plus side is that they have a 10th of their health plus 100 more bringing that total to 500.
Streetcleaner Guy
Another badass wielding a chaingun from the looks of it. These giants are known as streetcleaner guys who wield an streetcleaner that can kill you within seconds if you stay in sight long enough. The reward for killing these guys are streetcleaners that can easily help you kill off bigger monsters by firing shotgun shells faster than the normal standardized smashers that are acceptable in today's gameplay.
Mini Moloch
One of the most powerful monsters in Doom today is here as a miniature with half of it's attacks still here. He can't summon hell grenades and summon wraiths to help itself out when it's in danger. When the mini moloch is damaged you don't see any fire scorches fired back at the player since it's just too small and weak to do something like this.
Mini Spidermastermind
Another miniature monster that's for real but fear as she faces the same problems as those mini cyberdemons and that is less health.
Tourettes Guy
This guy is an internet legend regardless of what people say about. This man according to Youtubers has tourettes and his son made videos of him which I found entertaining and still do to this very day. He has created a legion of fans that still pay tribute to him to this very day. I wouldn't underestimate him since he is very powerful and fast plus this guy can morph you into a chicken or a pig if he gets the chance.
Nuclear Demon
These kind of cyberdemons are more dangerous than their normal rocket counterparts. Hell did an experiment where they combine the power of nuclear bombing within a cyberdemon replacing rockets with nuclear missiles that do so much more damage. and can easily kill other opposing monsters with 1 to 3 missiles. Their skin color is the color of typical nuclear radioactive waste that you see in nuclear plants.
Unholy Servant
This golden like baron is quite powerful indeed. He is dubbed the true king of barons because of his health, strength, and the ability to summon other fellow barons such as the Pyro Demon, Cybruiser, and others. He also serves as a specialized servant of the great 1337man protecting his interests. The baron's voice sure sound familiar to a few people. Does he sound like a band frontman? Who knows what matters is that he is god almighty to Barons Universe wide.
In the third Doomguy's Warzone and beyond, he no longer has the power to summon any barons, making him somewhat easier to deal with.
In the third Doomguy's Warzone and beyond, he no longer has the power to summon any barons, making him somewhat easier to deal with.
Warrior Of Hell
The Warrior of Hell is the resurrected version of the fallen Unholy Servant. When Unholy Servant dies this faster stronger being takes his place after death. Beware that he can also go through walls meaning he's a ghost looking for revenge on the guy that killed him and will stop at nothing until he's dead. Warrior Of Hell has half the health of his former self and can only do one attack since most of his attacks have been lost because of dieing and being resurrected himself to seek revenge. There is no rest for the player when he sees this baron. If he stays still long enough then he dies.
Scary Sex Rulin
The origins of this creature are well unknown. Rumor has that this monster is related to many thing including monsters, people and other things that spring to mind. I wouldn't underestimate the power of this beast since it can kill you rather quickly with it's powerful attacks. People say that a dead spirit lives inside the sex rulin and is not afraid to come out and assist this creature when needed. The rulin can also create spawn of itself with the same attacks that do the same amount of damage as the original.
Chipmunk Baron
Nothing is well known about this type of baron since the UAC is still studying it. The Chipmunk Barons have been discovered in a forest on some strange planet in the year 2010. These guys are the smallest barons alive and the fastest that you will ever face. This creature was given the chipmunk name for simply being like squirrels with the size living in trees except they prey on small animals and children who find them adorable. Yes they are cute but don't let their looks deceive you for one minute since they can do small amounts of damage so fast that it will kill you. Lastly the chipmunk barons can summons smaller more annoying and harder to kill creatures called the revemunk.
These guys are the same size as termites by times 10. They have the same health as a zombieman but are very hard to hit because of how fast they move. The revemunks will fight along side the Chipmunk Baron in battle against the player. What's sad is that there is no redeeming value in killing them but if you don't soon enough then you will eventually die as the damage stacks to your demise.
Demon Bomber
Just when normal standardized suicide bombers aren't enough hell has decided to create demon bombers that are much stronger than the originals and can do more explosive damage as well.
Deadly Keen
Hey look guys it's an different look to the hanger Commander Keen! Watch out since his slow but over effective laser beams can kill you in one shot. Fist fighting is not recommended since he can surprise you with ease. They have 3 times the health of the regular useless Commander Keens that you see in Doom 2.
Gold Edition
BJ Blaskowitz is an World War II hero from the wolfenstein series. He makes an special guest appearance in Doomguy's Warzone as a common enemy with just a pistol and dodging skills.
Lucinho is just some kid probably from Brazil or something since you can't understand what he is saying. His behavior is also strange with what kind of sounds he's making. The weakest enemy on the roster and very easy to kill. Has a small chance of dropping a whoopee cushion.
Shotgun Pimp
This guy is another common crook that you see in Doomguy's Warzone Gold Edition. Stronger than most criminals because he has a awesome shotgun that autofires and deals more damage than chaingunners. Killing these guys off will drop his shotgun as a weapon for the player.
Daniel is a famous author from the Doom Community well known for Neo Doom shows up here as a slightly stronger version of Lucinho with a different fireball attack and different rail color. He shows up in the warzone dressed up as a referee.
Female Marine
This specific marine is very well trained in the arts of combat. Hard to hit and have a stronger rifle than the normal Zombieman because of the fact that they can sometimes kill bigger monsters with the rifle. Makes her debut in Doomguy's Warzone and shows up in the first level of the gold edition storyline.
Daffy Duck
This character comes from Looney Tunes and makes a special guest appearance in Doomguy's Warzone as a duck with a gun. He closes his eyes when he fires because Daffy is afraid of guns and hurting himself. Not much different from the standard chaingun guys except the fact that he has more health and can dodge attacks.
Scuba Steve
We all know who Scuba Steve is when he was the guy who wrote the Cacowards before stepping down officially. Anyways this how he looks like in Urban Brawl when he shows up in Doomguy's Warzone with only more speed and damage. Relatively easy to kill since he is weak to other characters in the roster. He's also talented when he is the guy behind the Action Doom series.
Possessed BFG 9000
This monster is strange to people. It's just a BFG 9000 possessed by an evil wicked spirit that's hard to hit and can just like the weapon itself, it fires BFG balls at the player so caution is advised when going up this possessed weapon.
What's Pikachu doing in here? The main purpose is to just be a rodent to satisfy players when they actually hate pokemon. Pikachu and few other select pokemon were offered contracts promosing them more power than humans. The pokemon were fooled instead they are the same just worthless bait for hunting season and of course demon food.
Tourettes Son
He is the son of Tourette's Guy that makes his debut in Doomguy's Warzone as a purple imp. Cowardly he is but beware since they fire rockets and if you get too close to him he fires a BFG ball mostly killing the player. Most of the time he acts like a wuss and also sounds like one as well so that explains the reason for his cowardly behavior.
Blackfish Clone
This creature came from the internet made stupid. He makes his special guest appearance in Doomguy's Warzone Gold Edition as himself. He fires railgun shots so be careful when going up against this strange thing. Be ashamed if you do become perished by one of these things.
Ned Flanders
Ned Flanders is a neighbor of The Simpsons that was selected by 1337man to be added in the Warzone. He may seem like a nice guy at first but trust me he can be quite deadly with his smiley face fireballs and the ability to revive dead monsters. He's the only bible nut in this roster to show some diversity.
In the third Doomguy's Warzone and beyond, he can no longer revive clones of himself.
In the third Doomguy's Warzone and beyond, he can no longer revive clones of himself.
Tourettes Demon
It's the tourettes's guy's dad in real life. Just his own son wasn't good enough for the warzone so he has decided to be apart of the game by becoming a green demon. He is 4 times the speed of a normal demon that can do double damage. Tourettes demon is also a new common monster that makes his debut in gold edition.
Stewie from Family Guy shows up as another edition of the roster. Not very strong and can easily be killed because all he does is try to stab you. Nothing too special can be said about him.
It may not look like Garfield because he's supposed to be a fat orange cat. Somehow 1337man traveled to the Garfield universe to only kidnap him and turn America's beloved cat into a fat marine wearing orange. His attacks involve puking on the player using various methods. It's sad to see Garfield in this human form throwing up constantly but hey it's useful to his advantage.
Scooby Doo
What can I say about Scooby Doo? Sadly another victim of 1337man's when just like his victims, he was taken from his universe and turned into a human being. Scooby Doo wears no clothes except a helmet, boots, and some elbow pads wielding a standard rifle. This naked marine can run away from very fast and is very to hit and kill. When killed, he drops a useful item that will benefit the player. There is however, a small chance that instead of dropping an item, will spawn a red plasma ball that will kamikaze the player. Scooby Doo shows up in the Ocean House level of the Doomguy's Warzone Gold Edition storyline.
Here we have a possessed cowboy that can move very fast and wields a classical shotgun. Of course you can always leave up to hell to come up with these strange ideas that haven't been done before. If you dare challenge them to a classical showdown using your shotgun, then you will have a hard time not only killing the cowboy, but possibly wasting lots of shells just to kill him.
Snoop Dogg
Who thought a legendary rapper could make the cut in Doomguy's Warzone? Well folks he did because 1337man sought him out as another guest celebrity that could be useful and he was. Snoop is quite the adversary when he has the barnicle plasma twine, his music and the power to summon Justin Bieber clones when he needs too!
The final boss from Batman Doom makes a special guest appearance. After the storyline events of Batman Doom when he was defeated by Batman himself, 1337man took it upon himself to give Bane another chance to shine 12 years later. The result is him being much faster, stronger, and now has the ability to heal himself with his own taunts, thus making Bane a much more formidable opponent than what he was back in the day.
Action Hero
Nobody knows his name, but he's the hero of Urban Brawl. He's well known for saving his daughter from Phylex corporation. Shortly after the events that took place in his life, he was offered a chance to be a hero in another world and this guy accepted the offer. In Doomguy's Warzone as another guest, he's much stronger and faster than what he originally was from his home area.
Hell Chaingunner
This is the same Hell Chaingunner that was defeated by John Logan in Legacy Of Suffering. That first time people knew about him will not be forgotten now that he shows up as a guest on Doomguy's Warzone as himself. He's just as powerful and deadly as he was before, this time there's the possibility that you will see more chaingunners like this one in Doomguy's Warzone.
Slimer is a slime green ghost from Ghostbusters. He's fast and able to frighten you, thus resulting in taking damage. He can be dangerous when Slimer comes in packs doing the same thing to the player. The ghost if defeated can drop a frightening mask, which is then used to frighten monsters and get them to run away from you.
Mini Troll
This creature is annoying when up close. Not much of a challenge when you have better weapons to kill it. Faster and worse than Slimer with less health. Attention is what normal trolls want, in this case the miniature trolls want to kill you with annoying fright tactics.
Krusty The Clown
Krusty the clown's spirit in head form. The heads are stronger than the normal Lost Souls with more health, stronger headbutt, and more intellect. Krusty isn't much more challenging unfortunately thus making him a weak member of the Warzone roster.
Jean-Luc Picard
Jean-Luc Picard as most would know was the captain of the USS enterprise. One day he was taken away from the Star Trek universe to become a part of Doomguy's Warzone. His body was transformed into a cube with the color of his former uniform. He is much stronger than he was as a human in his own universe. His laser beam is much faster and more deadly than his phaser. He is a tough opponent that is hard to hit, but if you can kill him then you might recieve a sweet reward for your victory.
A strange character that has at one point interviewed the Tourette's Guy. His occupation is interviewing random people for various jobs. The guy is aggressive with the power to shoot red plasma. If you fail to defeat him or in this case one of his interviews, then you will be rejected a job by him.
The Impsextreme is basically Scooby Doo and Tourettes Son having sex. Both of them are cowards who came together combing their power to become this beast of a couple. They have this wicked ability to have sex in the air and fire slow powerful vortex rockets that can do some heavy damage. They are however slow so killing this love couple shouldn't take that much effort if you have better weapons.
Oremor Ydal
Just what kind of a creation does hell have for us here? This thing is a she with a horn on the left instead of a ear. We are talking about the most ugly floating thing in existence. An eye in the center including two strange things on her chin. You also see her lightning makeup on her face including disgusting golden hair representing a popular pop singer. Can you guess what it is? Anyways she talks in creepy ways and has a triple rail attack that is you are under 90% health and get hit by all three rails then the game is over for you.
Charlie Fly
He's not called Charlie fly for nothing. This gigantic fly has the power to summon a mass army of flies to kill off his enemies. The name is something that if you listen to him talk is obvious. Could this creature be a part of the past? Maybe he was very well hidden within the mind of Doomguy 2000 around the time Doomguy's Warzone came out? Regardless he's here and no easy adversary in combat.
Grand Legend
Not much in known about the person in the portrait. He was known as Ole Chamberlin back in the late 1800's and early 1900's. This guy according to the internet was a descendant of a Mormon family located in Salt Lake City, Utah. He somehow died in 1911 only to be revived by his great great grandson 100 years later in 2011. This to him was such a coincidence when he knew more information about the guy. If you had wanted to know more information about Ole you had to talk to one of his grand kids about it. Anyways he returns back from the dead in Doomguy's Warzone as Grand Legend and he's not going away no matter how many times you kill him he always comes back from the dead. I guess the saying goes that legends never die and he's not called a legend for nothing.
Itchy And Scratchy TV
What we have here is a possessed television that plays Itchy and Scratchy over and over again. This television is a tough adversary since they have the power to spawn 2 Krusty heads at the sametime. Your best bet is to destroy the TV before it's too late, meaning before they have the chance to summon more Krusty heads.
1337 Revenant
This is one of 1337man's minions right here. More dangerous and deadly than the normal Revenants because they always fire homing bouncing missiles that will never explode until it reaches it's target, or another object that can take damage. These guys have the ability to just fall off floors and also has punches that send the player flying.
Falcon Revenant
The Falcon Revenant talks like Captain Falcon and can move towards you very fast. He tries his best to duplicate the legendary falcon punch which can do a good reasonable amount of damage. He has no missile attacks and relies on his own falcon punch to kill enemies.
Bart Simpson
Bart Simpson is just a stronger version of the normal Revenant with twice the health and can fire 3 revenant missiles at once. He also uses his club to whack his enemies making him more of a challenge.
Marge Simpson
Marge Simpson is a much stronger version of the Arch-Vile that has her own specialized version of Arch-Vile's explosive fire attack. It can be quite the challenge when dealing with Marge. When killed, she drops a regeneration sphere helping you recover to your normal health.
Kevin McCallister
The same kid from the Home Alone movies who used his head to come up with brilliant traps against common crooks shows up in Doomguy's Warzone. Instead of Kevin using his head, he screams extremely load causing an earthquake damaging the player close by, thus making him a much bigger threat than what he posed in the movies. Kevin's scream for some reason doesn't affect monsters but still damages the player.
What we have hear a strange creature that fire 2 rails at once towards it's target. This monster can be both annoying and a threat if dealing with multiple Frankfutenzaurons. This is considered another strange experiment that hell decided to try out.
Megaman is just as hard as the videogames where he is the main character. What we have here is a small enemy that's very hard to hit and his attack can do an considerable amount of damage.
Another monster that comes from the Internet Made Stupid shows up as himself. Sausagequatchs will never stop firing until their targets are hunted down. Sausagequatchs don't pose much of a threat in the Warzone since they can easily be taken down.
Abe Simpson
Abe Simpson is the only Simpson's character in Doomguy's Warzone that has a different attack. Instead of his chaingun firing bullets, he fires a continuous stream of green baron balls.
Does the world of hell no longer make any sense no more? Here introduced in Gold Edition is Yata-Garasu the most broken Yu-Gi-Oh! card in existance makes his appearance in the Warzone replicating his power the best hell can make it. This card fires lightning and pyro bombs at his opponents so watch out and be careful because you could get Yata locked by this spirit monster.
Demolition Man
He's a walking disaster, he's a demolition man! Yeah this ugly colored Zombieman is no joke when he lights up serious bombs that destroy most things in the explosion. The Demolition Man has such low health, so killing him isn't going to take much effort. When killed, he drops a serious bomb that he uses against his enemies.
What were you expecting traditional pirates with swords? These pirates are far more deadly since they can fire giant cannonballs that do a huge amount damage. When the pirate is killed, he drops his cannon as a very powerful weapon that can be used against other monsters.
Ground Zero Burialist
The Ground Zero Burialist is has the single most powerful projectile attack in Doomguy's Warzone. He says "Time to bury your ass ground zero!" while throwing a giant tombstone at his enemies not only killing the main target, but also others around the radius blast. This marine shows up in the first level of the Doomguy's Warzone Gold Edition storyline as the last monster you have to kill before you beat the level and move on to Trailer #601. So powerful, that a difficulty is dedicated to replacing all normal Doom monsters with just Ground Zero Burialists in their place.
Golden Idle
The Scary Sex Rulin said the following when it got killed: "This isn't over I'll be back!". One Doomguy's Warzone later, it came back as the awesome Golden Idle that has 5 different attacks to kill you in seconds! His attacks include, suicidal terrors, infinite devastator missiles, double minigun power, infinite borg bombs, and double Jeremy heads to make it far more effective than it's previous form. The speed of this monster is much faster than what the Scary Sex Rulin was. When defeated, he drops a couple of useful items for your troubles against the Golden Idle.
Gallant Don
This guy is one of the best marines today placing at the top 10% of his core back in North Carolina. When he was on his to Afghanistan one day back in his new base he was standing in that same exact position to only be frozen and taken away by 1337man. He is a guy that is 10 times taller than what he used to be and also has his array of overpowered attacks. I'd watch out if I were you since he can kill you fast or if needed can call upon the help of one of 1337man's henchmen to aid him in combat.
The US Air Force
What you see here is a helicopter from the US Air Forces. They are commonly seen when fighting against Gallant Don when they are summoned from him to assist the boss in combat. Very Dangerous because of it's rockets and machine gun fire mounted on these helicopters. You could get something good from them when they are destroyed.
Chin Cocko Man
This Ballchinian is different from his kind because of the ability to fire rails at his enemies, or his chin cock in this matter. Originally came from UAC Military Nightmare as a special guest that uses his powerful chin in the same way he always used it back 4 years ago, and that's ramming it into people's asses.
Giant Shotgun Guy
Oh my what do we have here? I never thought increasing the size of shotgun guy would be possible but it is. Say hello to the giant shotgun guy where he is smarter and stronger and has more health. His giant shotgun has the power to kill players in one shot and to summon other fellow zombiemen that are just like him, similar monsters that have guns, or others that would somewhat resemble a typical zombieman.
Giant Dog
The origins on this beast are unknown. Nothing makes sense when you see a giant dog with a high pitched voice. He calls himself "the giant lord of dogs" and I can see why he calls himself this. This dog will chase you because according to the beast he's hungry and sees you as a tasty morsel. His melee attack is not all he can do, he's also able to summon normal size minions that do various attacks, depending on the color of the dog. To top it all off, the giant dog has the ability to reflect projectiles.
Demon Dog
Just your typical joke of a monster that does little damage.
Fire Dog
A demonized dog that has the ability to fire mancubus flames. Does drop something useful if killed.
Rail Dog
What we have here is a blue dog that fires rails. Drops a cell pack upon getting killed.
Sick Dog
The green dog that look so ugly pukes up cacodemon eyes as a mechanism for defense. Still just as easy and weak as the previous dogs talked about, but drops nothing useful. The stuff I'm talking about is different keys and a cinnamon roll that's completely useless in the battlefield.
The legendary pokegod somehow makes his way into the warzone as a lonely soul that will kill anything in his path to avenge his death. People can try to make their claims that pokegods aren't real, but seeing Doomsday as an major boss enemy will prove these people wrong. Doomsday is 91 feet tall, but in reality is much smaller than what he seems to be. His height alone frightens the bravest of adversaries because how can any normal size person kill something this huge! This pokegod has 3 attacks, with one of them being able to summon Haunter at anytime when it's needed.
In the third Doomguy's Warzone and beyond, Doomsday no longer has the ability to summon Haunter, so he's not as frustrating as he once was.
In the third Doomguy's Warzone and beyond, Doomsday no longer has the ability to summon Haunter, so he's not as frustrating as he once was.
Giant Commander Keen
This monster is a giant version of Commander Keen. One of the most powerful elite monsters you will ever find in Doomguy's Warzone. Has the almighty ability to summon Sausage monsters, Justin Bieber, and Commander Keen like creatures to assist him in combat. Carries a powerful staff for those who can overcome this monstrosity.
The Legendary Doom Pimp
Well they don't call him a legend for nothing. This guy gets more girls than the normal typical douchebag. The jacket and muscle power is what attracts women to this great man of such amazing power. The Legendary Doom Pimp has 10 different powerful attacks that are effective and can do a good deal of damage. To top it all off, he can revive dead monsters to help aid the pimp in combat.
Miss Country Babes
The most attractive from 8 different countries team up together to form the reverse gang bang group. Of course it's one babe from the following countries, Argentina, Venezuela, Panama, Bolivia, Canada, Mexico, and two others from unknown countries. Combined together as one cohesive unit, they can do whatever they want to their enemies, especially men! They can charge at you causing damage, or they can fire a homing purple ball that gives you a variety of different curses that weaken you in the long run.
Insanity Spider
An ancient Doom boss that was introduced in Xaser's joke WADs, makes a special guest appearance as the insanity spider that fires a continuous stream of red plasma that does tons of damage.
Cacodemon Lord
Hailed the lord of cacodemons, based on his size and golden eyes. A couple of the lord's attacks as just enhancements of Cracko Demon's firepower. His last attack has the power to summon other lesser cacodemon monsters, floating heads, or others that can fly.
Ranked as the most powerful pokemon back in old days, is another boss type guest in Doomguy's Warzone that uses his psychic powers to launch other opponents in the air. If you defeat Mewtwo, he will drop a master ball as it comes in handy for later use to help you when summoned.
Gay Rapist
The Gay Rapist is a purple marine that his a dildosaw and will use it to rape you. He's just one of those hidden experiments that hell had decided to try out for themselves. When you kill him he drops his dildosaw that can be used by you.
In the third Doomguy's Warzone and beyond, he no longer drops the dildosaw since that weapon has been retired. Instead he has a small chance of dropping a trophy that can summon the Gay Rapist as an ally.
In the third Doomguy's Warzone and beyond, he no longer drops the dildosaw since that weapon has been retired. Instead he has a small chance of dropping a trophy that can summon the Gay Rapist as an ally.
Tourettes Bomber
Well this character is strange when it's looks like the Tourettes Guy as an suicide bomber. When he sees you he says, "can you do me a big favor?", then proceeds to chase after you constantly saying the F word over and over again until he suicides into you. After he suicides into you, the Tourettes Bomber says the S word as his last word.
This right here is the mystery monster of the gold generation. Nothing in known about this creature including his attacks. Legend has it that this monster is the strongest in the entire universe. Of course, how can anybody proves these claims to be true?
Justin Bieber
The most popular teen pop star was something that Doomguy 2000 has wanted in his battlefield. Another icon offered a contract to promise him a better life and insurance that he never fades away in the spotlight. Let's face it people when grows older people will stop talking about him. Not anymore thanks to me. He is an average opponent that uses his music to kill his enemies. Be careful or you will be converted into a Justin Bieber Fangirl. He as far as rumors are concerned has somehow found a way to create clones of himself so that way we can't tell who the real Justin Bieber is. He also plans on taking over the Warzone in the process. Not if other monsters have anything to say about that.
2012 Warzone Remake
Scott is a cartoon character who comes from Disney's Teacher's Pet. Just another typical grunt in the new generation of enemies. His intelligence is worthless since all he uses is his shotgun. Killing Scott makes him drop a shell kit.
Another newcomer introduced into the battlefield and his name is Brad! Well he's an annoying kid that uses his M16 to shoot you. His height and health is what makes Brad a decent opponent.
This is another weak addition as apart of the Warzone roster. Beefy is a weak monster that fires purple balls with a small chance of them homing in on you.
Jumping Skull
This is the smallest monster you will ever see in Doomguy's Warzone. The skull can be annoying especially when trying to eat your feet away. A chainsaw may not be the best way to break those jumping skulls.
Basketball Player
The basketball players in Doomguy's Warzone came for Doomguy's Pimp Ventures. Here in the new generation he is much stronger now that he throws better basketballs instead of those cheap ones that he used to use.
Ceeb is someone who came from the Doom community long ago. Apparently he has a weapon that can fire three rockets, a railgun shot, and is able to summon mini trolls. What happened to his real body remains a mystery. The only thing about Ceeb that was apart of his former body is his head.
Pennywise The Clown
This right here according to legend is some sort of shapeshifter that used to prey on the local children in Derry, Maine. Sometime in the 1980s Pennywise was apparently killed and the city was severely damaged by a huge storm. Little do they know, that he somehow lived and is now a floating head without his body. Pennywise is now even faster in his current form and can easily kill all of the kids if he wanted to. Instead he became apart of the Warzone and now uses his incredible speed to kill off all of his enemies.
Bingo is a floating head that fires cheap purple rockets that spew rainbow colored gas when they explode. He can sometimes be hard to hit because Bingo is smart enough to dodge attacks.
Barack Obama
The 44th president makes his special guest appearance in Doomguy's Warzone as a floating head. In the warzone he has the power to fire rockets and plasma balls at his enemies and when he gets close enough, he fires flames out of his mouth. During his time as president, he was somehow kidnapped by 1337man sometime in 2012. Only his head had survived ever since then. It became up to Joe Biden to take over for the rest of his term before a new president was eventually elected to take his over.
Joe used to be a common man that worked at a gas station. Legend has it that he was also related to Gallant Don before becoming a monster. Then one day, he was kidnapped by 1337man and turned into a green monster that can shoot deadly basketballs which deal alot of damage. This tragic event happened shortly after Gallant Don was defeated by the hands of some marine.
Nyan Cat
The internet sensation known as the Nyan Cat has made it's appearance in Doomguy's Warzone. This cat is fast and constantly shoots bouncing cacodemon balls. You also hear the Nyan Cat music constantly when around it.
These creatures to many people are known as grown ass men who do nothing but watch My Little Pony. They don't have any attacks or bother hitting people because they "love and tolerate". So instead, they humiliate themselves by walking around talking about ponies 24/7 acting like horses by saying nahh.
This guy is symbolic within the Terry Universe and makes his special guest appearance in Doomguy's Warzone. When he isn't busy taking over UAC bases raping marines with his huge dick, he does the same thing in battlefield when he see an scrumptious ass to fuck off.
Millennia Invasion
Mother Monster
Mother monster was the mastermind who planned an epic invasion for an millennia. She herself is a goddess who cannot be killed and can easily kill the player in one hit regardless. Her spaceship had many traps for any intruders who brave enough to try and stop her. This invasion of her's would not be as successful if she didn't have 50,000 little monsters in her spaceship waiting to attack everyone on earth. This also might explain why the earth became extinct sometime in 30,000 A.D.
Terry Crews
Terry Crews was one of the passengers on board the spaceship on it's way to earth. He mainly served as trap for marines that were dumb enough to open one of the doors to find him guarding some switches. Those switches in actuality were intended to fool the player dumb enough to press them teleporting them off the spaceship into space where they suffocate and die.
Jason's Hell
Rape Zeus |
This guy used to be a normal person who lived inside a trailer park, until one day he became possessed by hell itself. After becoming possessed, he grew in size and his hands became penis shaped. Also on that same day, he carried out the trailer pack massacre in the middle of the night by killing everybody in their homes leaving no survivors behind. After Jason was done, he left his old trailer park life behind him and opened up a portal to his own version of hell where he is it's ruler. This hell also serves as his arena for those brave enough to challenge him.
This creature is one of Jason's servants in hell locked up in cage as a spectator for his arena. If the player is somehow dumb enough to press all of the switches thinking it's going to help him escape hell, then's he's got a rude awakening waiting for him. The head itself cannot be killed and will most likely fill the victim with cum, thus drowning the victim.
Nobody knows who she actually is. Legend has it that she is supposed to be some kind of goddess that lives in her own version of Indian heaven. Anjalene is the created daughter of three other Indian goddesses that watch over India. If a person finds her favorite pipe to smoke hookah on, then she has the power to grant that person whatever he or she desires. Of course this is all a lie and Anjalene primarily cares only for herself and her agenda.
Platinum Edition
Pyro Succubus
THAT'S RIGHT!! No information available. Wait until you see me in action, dog.